How to Get Free Advance Reader Copies of Books from Publishers

One of the trickiest and most taboo topics in the book community is free books: who gets them and how.

This blog will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about requesting books from publishers.

  1. How many followers do I need before I start requesting books from publishers?
  2. Who do I contact to request ARCs of books?
  3. What do I say to the publisher when I email them?
  4. What kinds of expectations will the publisher have of me once they have sent me the ARC?

One thing I do want to acknowledge before I begin: it can be tricky if you’re based outside of the UK or US for you to get your hands on Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) or proofs of your most anticipated releases, and depending on where you are based, it might be virtually impossible. However, “nothing ventured, nothing gained”, so don’t let this deter you. Publishers are also becoming more open to sending review copies to readers across the world, though I think they still have a way to go. While living in Scotland and Iceland, I have been successful at securing ARCs by exercising the advice I give here.

So let’s get into it and let me tell you all you need to know about requesting copies of your most anticipated reads.

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